Project Updates

First Trailhead


Acme Township: Thanks to support from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, Acme Township, the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy and many private donors, construction of the trail in Bayside Park is underway. This is the

DNR Trust Fund Grant


Acme Township was successfully awarded a DNR Trust Fund grant to improve North Bayside Park and construct the first segment of the Traverse City to Charlevoix Trail within the park. Construction for this trail segment

Deepwater Natural Area


A very generous donation to TART Trails was matched 1:1 for trail engineering and construction from North Bayside Park through Deepwater Natural Area. The Deepwater Natural Area trail segment will be constructed with North Bayside park

Preliminary Design Completed


Preliminary design to connect the TART at Bunker Hill to the new Meijer and M72 corridor was completed in 2016. The planning effort was led by the Acme Township Parks & Trails Committee and supported