The Traverse City to Charlevoix Trail is now known as The Nakwema Trailway.

The Vision

Kate Lewis

First Trailhead Opens in Acme

The newly developed Bayside Park in Acme is the first official trailhead for the TC↔CHX Trail. The grand opening for the beautiful waterfront park and trailhead was held on May 18 following years of hard work spearheaded by Acme

Public Open House

A Public Open House was held on February 27 at the Williamsburg Event Center. TART Trails and the design team from Prein & Newhof provided presentations on the design plans thus far and reviewed the

Landowner Outreach Sessions

On Tuesday, January 22nd, TART Trails hosted outreach sessions for landowners adjacent to the proposed TC ↔ CHX Trail routes between Acme and Elk Rapids. The two sessions were well attended with 45 participating in